falling star

美 [ˌfɔːlɪŋ ˈstɑːr]英 [ˌfɔːlɪŋ ˈstɑː(r)]
  • 流星;陨星
falling starfalling star
  1. The falling star described a long curve in the sky .


  2. You know what a falling star is , do you not ?


  3. and one falling star after the other was seen in the sky .


  4. Apple founder Steve Jobs 's death , like a falling star .


  5. I made a wish upon a falling star that you would return to me soon .


  6. " Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket . "


  7. A falling star Least I fall alone .


  8. Go and catch a falling star


  9. The falling star she saw was actually her own soul , flying off to heaven .


  10. When the falling star drop into the peaceful pool , the spray dancing with joy .


  11. The individual arcs cannot be rectified . The falling star described a long curve in the sky .


  12. Then a bright falling star came down , leaving a broad , luminous streak behind it .


  13. A falling star shone in the dark firmament .


  14. However , how long can such sweetness and happiness last ? Love , like a transient falling star shower , short but that beautiful .


  15. Is that a falling star , trude ?


  16. A little star fell down on the ground . " If you make a wish on a falling star , they say it will come true . " They wished to have a child .


  17. I know , it 's very worrying.And what about the earth ? It 's only thirty years until the next falling star comes this way , and the earth was very nearly destroyed by the last one !


  18. That 's right.We know that the next falling star is almost certain to get too close to the sun , and catch fire ! And when the earth passes through that fire , it 'll be destroyed immediately !


  19. As a child , when I was looking at the sky full of twinkling stars , seeing a falling star ( meteor ) flashing through the atmosphere , it disappeared before making my promise ;


  20. To the two fugitives it seemed as if fire was following them from all sides , for the phosphorescence played in the dark sea , and , as they looked up , a falling star ran across the sky , as if it was going to drop into the boat .


  21. Falling , the star , flaming , the fire .
